#SCB3038 (Resolved) Comment changes lead to duplicate comment entries
Hussayn Dabbous
2010-04-22 11:12:00 UTC
*SCB3038 [Defect] - Comment changes lead to duplicate comment entries*

*Reasons for the changes*
- adding a duplicate checker.
- fix committed in rev 11003

** null: () **

*Attribute changes*
- Priority: 3-Normal (New)
- Summary: Comment changes lead to duplicate comment entries (New)
- Short description:
"When comments are modified, the original text will be replaced by the modified text. But each change triggers the creation of a new Activity which in turn points to the current Attachment (where the comment is stored). So we end up with 2 or more Activities pointing to the same data."
- Status: Unconfirmed (New)
- Version: trunk (New)
- Target milestone: 0.23 (New)
- Status: Unconfirmed --> In progress
- Resolution: Fixed (New)
- Status: In progress --> Resolved
- Solution: Trunk (New)

*Comment Hussayn Dabbous*

I have added a checker within NotificationManager for Activities pointing to the same attachment.
Duplicates will be filtered out.

Pro: When a comment changes before the notification is sent out, we no longer see duplicates in the EMail text.
Con: We loose the time stamps for the changes.

An absolute correct implementation would be to store and show the diffs induced by a comment modification. But this is currently well beyond any practical usage.

fix committed in rev 11003

Activity generated by Hussayn Dabbous (***@saxess.com) at 04/22/2010 13:01

[Scarab]: http://www.solitone.org/scarab/issues/id/SCB3038


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