#SCB3036 (Unconfirmed) User default query fails to load when more than one users have configured their own default query for a module.
Hussayn Dabbous
2010-04-16 15:17:00 UTC
*SCB3036 [Defect] - User default query fails to load when more than one users have configured their own default query for a module.*
** null: () **

*Personnel changes*
- Assigned to: dabbous (New)

*Attribute changes*
- Short description:
"When only one user creates a "home page query" for a given module, then all users will see the query results when entering that module's start page.
As soon as another user creates his/her own start page for the same module, the whole query recognition fails and no start page is shown any longer."
- Priority: 3-Normal (New)
- Summary: User default query fails to load when more than one users have configured their own default query for a module. (New)
- Target milestone: 0.23 (New)
- Version: trunk (New)
- Status: Unconfirmed (New)

*Comment Hussayn Dabbous*

The problem was that the QueryPeer silently set the default query to null when multiple users have defined their own default start page. I have changed the bahaviour as follows:

First we check if the user has got a start page for the given module. Take that if it exists.
If the user has not defined a start page, but the Module owner has done so, take the module owner's start page.
If neither the module owner nor the current user has customized a start page, do not set any start page.

This has to be changed. I'd like to see the query matrix, when no start page is defined for a module. (to be checked)

Activity generated by Hussayn Dabbous (***@saxess.com) at 04/16/2010 17:08

[Scarab]: http://www.solitone.org/scarab/issues/id/SCB3036


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Hussayn Dabbous
2010-04-16 15:27:00 UTC
*SCB3036 [Defect] - User default query fails to load when more than one users have configured their own default query for a module.*

*Reasons for the changes*
- fixed in svn-revision 10987
- committed to trunk

*Attribute changes*
- Resolution: Fixed (New)
- Status: Unconfirmed --> In progress
- Solution: Trunk (New)
- Status: In progress --> Resolved

Activity generated by Hussayn Dabbous (***@saxess.com) at 04/16/2010 17:21

[Scarab]: http://www.solitone.org/scarab/issues/id/SCB3036


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