#SCB3099 (Unconfirmed) Provide default build with hypersonic/HSQL database.
memoComp Open Source Team
2012-05-03 12:26:00 UTC
*SCB3099 [Enhancement] - Provide default build with hypersonic/HSQL database.*

*Reasons for the changes*
- ADD - Keyword for HSQL

** null: () **

*Personnel changes*
- Assigned to: mcoss (New)

*Attribute changes*
- Priority: 3-Normal (New)
- Short description:
"The default build for Scarab should be for embedded hypersonic database."
- Summary: Provide default build with hypersonic database. (New)
- Status: Unconfirmed (New)
- Database: Other (New)
- Target milestone: 0.23 (New)
- Summary: Provide default build with hypersonic/HSQL database.

Activity generated by memoComp Opensource Team (***@memocomp.de) at 05/03/2012 14:18

[Scarab]: http://www.solitone.org/scarab/issues/id/SCB3099


To unsubscribe from this discussion, e-mail: [issues-***@scarab.tigris.org].
memoComp Open Source Team
2012-05-03 12:46:00 UTC
*SCB3099 [Enhancement] - Provide default build with hypersonic/HSQL database.*

*Reasons for the changes*
- In progress

*Attribute changes*
- Status: Unconfirmed --> In progress

*Comment memoComp Opensource Team*

Background for this issue is:

First it would be nice to have a ready prepared build for scarab including an embedded database/hypersonic for local testing.

Second, a build for MySQL might need more user specific settings and shouldn't be the default, as it is currently the case, see scarab_properties.xml -> scarab.database.type

Activity generated by memoComp Opensource Team (***@memocomp.de) at 05/03/2012 14:37

[Scarab]: http://www.solitone.org/scarab/issues/id/SCB3099


To unsubscribe from this discussion, e-mail: [issues-***@scarab.tigris.org].
memoComp Open Source Team
2012-05-03 15:59:00 UTC
*SCB3099 [Enhancement] - Provide default build with hypersonic/HSQL database.*

*Reasons for the changes*
- Fixed, see comments.

*Attribute changes*
- Resolution: Fixed (New)
- Status: In progress --> Resolved
- Solution: Trunk (New)

*Comment memoComp Opensource Team*

Was committed in r11213. Default database is now of type hypersonic.

Activity generated by memoComp Opensource Team (***@memocomp.de) at 05/03/2012 17:53

[Scarab]: http://www.solitone.org/scarab/issues/id/SCB3099


To unsubscribe from this discussion, e-mail: [issues-***@scarab.tigris.org].